source:本站 visits: 89次

Franchise Chain



1. Chinese food chain: fast food, regular food, hot pot, breakfast, noodle shop, specialty restaurant, Internet + restaurant, future restaurant and other restaurant chains.

2. Western food chain: fast food, formal dining, casual dining, steak, buffet, cuisine, salad, national cuisine and other chain enterprises

3. Coffee and beverage: coffee, tea, milk tea, freshly squeezed juice, creative drinks, afternoon tea and other chain enterprises

4. Bakery and dessert: bakery, dessert, ice cream, chocolate, bread, cake, DIY creative desserts and other chain enterprises

5. Delicious snacks: barbecue, marinade, cooked food, fried chicken, small balls, flavorful snacks, national snacks and other chain enterprises

6. Non-heritage food: local specialty food and other chain enterprises

7. Catering services: capital, hardware and software, O2O solutions, chain management system, takeaway system, ordering software, management consulting and other catering service providers and suppliers.

8. Asia catering expo area: barbecue, hot pot, prepared dishes, western food supplies, hotel supplies and kitchen equipment